Friday, April 27, 2007
TODAY IS DE: check above ^,^ (I'm too lazy to type it out =3)
MY MOOD IS: rather chirpy, looking forward to homemade piZZa tonight! :)
I'M LISTENING TO: "Me against the world".... Simple Plan! :D
MY FRIENDS ARE: check the links. some are not there.
blueblueblue! esp. baby blue, royal blue and electric blue I THINK THIS POST IS: weird? I felt random today.
I AM: wonderful!
I AM DOING: ISC match with 738-rated guy, and winning! currently 202-134. blogging multi-task, plus MSN and iTunes!
I AM READIN DE FAB BOOK CALLED: "Pride & Prejudice" by Jane Austen, unabridged... currently page 200+ something, close to the end by like 20+ pages...
If anyone's interested in borrowing tell me, before I return it to Mrs. Simon! *reminderREMINDER*
I THINK THAT YOU: are my friend/ are irritating (depends on who you are! o.o)/ should click the lil red 'X' at the top of the screen and/or go to some other more interesting place like France (obsession. darn.)
NOW YOU SHOULD: do as I said above. adieu!
Grace blogged at 3:48 AM