
Hello and welcome. Pls remember to TAG before you leave.
Yes, I created this blogskin by myself.
few women admit their age. few men act theirs.



[1]Surfer's Paradise white plain high-top sneakersFULFILLED! ;D
[2]Mini Toons aquamarine laces for wish no. [1]FULFILLED! ;D
[3]Troubling A Star by Madeleine L' Engle.
[4]More dresses and skirts.
[a]Nancy DrewFULFILLED!
[b]Stardust, Enchanted (both not out yet)
[c]Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen
[d]A Cinderella Story
[e]Agent Cody Banks
and that's the end of my selfish wishlist

Grace, blogskinner ;D
Liew Qi
December (Hexadecimal Codings)




January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008
Whee! Did my EL paper (including the compo) today....
This is my 101st post. Lalas~Sorry I didn't post e...
oh got tagged by ching ying. X_X whatever.I won't ...
wheeee! posting again! and tobying again. ^^founde...
Yay! Blogging again! ^^ (above is the picture of m...
~Friday-de-Thirteenth!~It's supposed to be unlucky...
FINALLY got tagboard +template all done. My blog's...
sorry the template isn't even fiddled with yet. so...
Earlier post was about a JoJo blogskin that didn't...
I know I did this skin before.And it renders all m...

Tuesday, August 14, 2007 - :

whee! today was listening comprehension and chinese was a bit tricky. XD and I kind of figured out the ending of the last text for english.

bleh. hmm. Listening to gwen stefani's WIND IT UP whee! :D gwen stefani you rock! but not going to her concert :( so expensive.

so sad today two people from our class, jeremy&fluff, fell sick. : according to chenlaoshi, or so it was understood, they played too much. before our oral. which is in two days' time. :S great.

I'm not so sure if I'm ready for it.

kept jeremy's homework (wanted to pass to kendrick, but he misunderstood and passed the math hw onto me, great D:) and called him to tell him that and what we got back, and all he was worried about was, "IS THERE ANYTHING I MUST DO?" yay, jeremy. no, there's nothing to do. (EXCEPT CARRY YOUR STUFF.) :D

I didn't mean for you to get hurt! Wheeeoo! Wheeooo! XD the sweet escape :))))))) as I said, gwen stefani rocks. yay.


Oh yah. I MADE IT INTO TEAM 6 FOR SCRABBLE! AND MY PARENTS LET ME GO! (on the account that I keep from my usual computer time, which is a LOT. XD) AND I'M CAPTAIN! (again. XD) all-guys team again... but I don't mind, it's what I call probably the best team! no offence to team 2 (which is now team 1, weirdly), I still <33. you guys (girls, actually)!

and happy early birthday to mich! hug! <33.!

Grace blogged at 1:54 AM