Tuesday, August 14, 2007
whee! today was
listening comprehension and chinese was a bit tricky. XD and I kind of figured out the ending of the last text for english.
bleh. hmm. Listening to gwen stefani's
WIND IT UP whee! :D gwen stefani you rock! but not going to her concert :( so expensive.
so sad today two people from our class, jeremy&fluff, fell sick. : according to chenlaoshi, or so it was understood, they played too much. before our oral. which is in two days' time. :S great.
I'm not so sure if I'm ready for it.kept jeremy's homework (wanted to pass to kendrick, but he misunderstood and passed the math hw onto me, great D:) and called him to tell him that and what we got back, and all he was worried about was, "IS THERE ANYTHING I MUST DO?" yay, jeremy. no, there's nothing to do. (EXCEPT CARRY YOUR STUFF.) :D
I didn't mean for you to get hurt! Wheeeoo! Wheeooo! XD
the sweet escape :))))))) as I said, gwen stefani rocks. yay.
I MADE IT INTO TEAM 6 FOR SCRABBLE! AND MY PARENTS LET ME GO! (on the account that I keep from my usual computer time, which is a LOT. XD) AND I'M CAPTAIN! (again. XD) all-guys team again... but I don't mind, it's what I call
probably the best team! no offence to team 2 (which is now team 1, weirdly), I still <33. you guys (girls, actually)!
and happy early birthday to mich! hug! <33.!
Grace blogged at 1:54 AM