Sunday, May 27, 2007
Mood: "Save the environment. Save money."
My father is trying out our air conditioners, which haven't been in use for years because my mother sneezes when the temperature's too cold. I admit readily that I've never been an environmentalist and probably never will, but come on- even the firmest air-conditioner-addict will succumb to the hair-raising graphs in Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth", informing us that if we don't move our butts and do something the Earth's gonna crumble and die. It's never too late to do something, especially since we can still enjoy the benefits of mankind's technology and advancement.
Since when has my family used air-conditioners? The gas emitted from them can seriously harm our environment and murder the ozone layer and that's not something I want to see. Even though the worst effects will probably not be screened until I'm well past the decomposing-corpse stage, I still don't want this Earth to become just one burnt used-up mass of a planet. God made this to be beautiful and guess what, in just a short span of some years, we've already destroyed part of it. Oh haha, well done, good job, eh? I just wish someone would do something! Even in my own household, nobody bothers to listen to my save-the-environment-and-stop-using-that-freaking-air-conditioner pleas, let alone bring a fabric bag to NTUC instead of dragging home several wasteful and hand-torturing plastic bags.
Grace blogged at 9:56 PM