Thursday, February 08, 2007
I managed to change the template to Jo Jo's lyrics (to Leave- Get Out).
If you want, I can send you her songs. some of them, anyway. I like most. Now that I've listened to them over and over, I like all of them. xD
Tomorrow's Friday, and I can't wait! Friday doesn't have any staybacks AND it has PE. Sadly, it's during the boring ol P3-4 assembly, so we can't play volleyball. *grrrr*
And we'll probably play some weird game like scissors paper stone or that staircase thingy. which I hate. >.< I hope we do that shuttle run again. Or sit-ups, which aren't that bad... I always end up sliding onto the grey pavement whenever I do push-ups in the canteen. Dang.
Grace blogged at 1:53 AM